Author: Station Manager
Bulls, Boots, and a Chicago Showdown: WIIT Takes on PBR Unleash the Beast
@colekincart Last week, WIIT had the pleasure of attending a rather unique event in our catalog. While we mainly cover concerts, tours, and artist events, given our break from school, we wanted to do something a little different. Station manager Cole (myself) and friend of the radio Claire had the privilege of attending and witnessing…
What 2013 Means to Me: 10 Years Later
@colekincart In the midst of 2023, I found myself unintentionally immersed in the music I had grown up with. Whether it was a marketing ploy by the big-name record labels to get individuals like myself to spend more money on reissues I probably don’t need, I found an accidental reunion with my soundtrack of 2013.…