• Charles Bradley’s “Changes” Is True To Its Title, But Keeps Traditional Soul Sound Intact

    This article originally appeared in TechNews Charles Bradley is an unlikely figure to be making the rounds on today’s music festival circuit, drawing crowds at annual destinations as diverse as Eaux Claires, Hangout Fest, and Coachella. His truly traditional blend of turn-of-the-70s soul and funk seems somewhat out of place even in a world that’s…

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  • Daniel Knox @ The Bog

    Photos from Saturday night’s Bog show with @danielknox, hosted by Faded Frequency’s Soren Spicknall. In the last photo, from left to right, is Liza McQueney (Music Director), Viktor Koves (Business Director), Daniel Knox, Soren Spicknall (Station Manager and event host), Reno Waswil (Program Director), and David Sobel (Technical Director). Photos by Viktor Koves and Seth…

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  • Daniel Knox Interview

    danielknox “I see my music as an extension of film.” – Daniel Knox In anticipation of this weekend’s on-campus concert with the unique singer-songwriter Daniel Knox, listen to this 2015 interview with Soren Spicknall of Faded Frequency, recorded for now-defunct WIIT radio show No Hits Allowed.

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  • Daniel Knox To Play The Bog This Saturday

    In conjunction with Union Board, WIIT radio show Faded Frequency will be curating a performance by their 2015 Chicago Artist Of The Year, Daniel Knox. The atmosphere will be similar to a seated lounge performance or the Hawks Coffeehouse series. Daniel Knox’s dark and cruel distortions of traditional American song styles, his rich, shadowy baritone…

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  • WIIT Late Nite 2016

    WIIT’s contribution to MTCC Late Niite was a four-hour hurricane of hits from the ‘90s, complete with period-correct DJ attire and commentary. DF and Co from “are we cool yet?” covered everything from Smells Like Teen Spirit to Cotton Eye Joe, including karaoke sessions with passers-by every half an hour.   Photo credits go to…

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  • At Hope’s Ravine by Holy Esque

    This article originally appeared in TechNews Holy Esque is the kind of band that you find yourself forming an opinion of within the first verse you hear. Vocalist Pat Hynes has a growling, all-or-nothing presentation that grabs your attention whether you like it or not, contrasted against a ceaselessly loud and gritty, yet somehow equally…

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  • Looking for a Historian

    WIIT is looking for a station Historian to join our Executive Board! Fill out the application at http://goo.gl/forms/YmA7muEnem, and feel free to email us at wiit@iit.edu if you have any questions about the position.

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  • Cardinal by Pinegrove

    This article originally appeared in TechNews It doesn’t really make any sense, but Pinegrove lead signer Evan Stephens Hall often sounds like he has a Southern accent when he sings. Though Pinegrove hail from New Jersey, listening to just the first ten seconds or so of the band’s latest album, you might mistake them for…

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  • Throwback Thursday

    tumblr_o2fufezIDA1uei32h Back in 1969, one of our student DJs put together this satirical advertisement for the Illinois Institute of Technology. The clip extols the virtues of amenities like “mountain climbing in Main Building” (referring to the building’s notoriously steep stairs) and “9 fraternities, 1 sorority”. Listen to it above; the commercial starts a few seconds…

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  • Big Black Coat by Junior Boys

    This article originally appeared in TechNews It’s been 12 years since Junior Boys first took the world by storm with their critically-acclaimed debut, Last Exit. The duo were one of the pioneers of the warm, R&B-influenced techno-pop sound that characterizes so many of today’s festival lineups and club playlists, and had a run of forward-thinking…

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  • Design Contest

    A few selected submissions from our Student Art Initiative logo design contest late last year, some of which you may recognize if you’ve ever communicated with any of us at the station. Most of our Executive Board members are partial to one of the 31 entries, and have adopted their favorite as a profile photo…

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  • Student Appreciation

    An image from our tribute to Illinois Tech student Jay Morris, on air Saturday, January 30th from 5 to 7. Jay was killed early Thursday morning by a fellow student, and we’re sharing songs and stories related to his life right now.

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