Author: Publicity Director

  • Heartless Bastards At Metro

    This article originally appeared in TechNews on September 29, 2015 It’s truly a shame that Chicago doesn’t seem to have the same appetite for roots rock as cities like Milwaukee or Nashville. Aside from Wilco, who made it big on their experimentalist tendencies rather than their alt-country leanings, there are very few Americana success stories…

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  • Made for Pleasure by The New Mastersounds

    This article originally appeared in TechNews on September 22, 2015 Let’s face it: after more than a decade or two of existence, bands that are known primarily for their jam rock or jazz fusion elements tend to settle somewhat into monotony, at least outside the context of a concert environment. On album, groups like Phish,…

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  • Review: Geist by Gang Signs

    This article originally appeared in TechNews on September 15, 2015 I have a creeping feeling that the term “chillwave” will lose all specific meaning within the next five years. As acts like Small Black and Toro Y Moi continue to gain in stature and blend the line between low-key electronica and synthpop, critics will continue…

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